Ariele (Brazil)
Ariele is 8 years old. She lives in the little town of...
The Beauty Of Survival (With Brianna Michelle)
A photographic journey by Alex Elena and Brianna Michelle. Brianna's story is...
Hidden In Plain Sight (Cuba)
People visiting Cuba tend to always miss the point. Infatuated by the...
I Am America (With Lisa Butler)
I Am America is a photo journal that celebrates the dignity of...
Experiments Of Beauty (With Lisa Butler)
This series of photos is very dear to me. At the time...
Sarajevo Twenty Years After The Siege (Moving Forward)
Twenty Years after the Siege Moving forward Ever since I was a...
I am usually more interested in people than the landscape that surrounds...
Street Photography
Take a walk with me. I love and trust the people I...
No Angeles - Los Angeles & Skid Row
When I first moved to Los Angeles, I just couldn’t grasp the...
Darien Gap (Panama)
Everything always happens for a reason. When I reluctantly took a gig...